Friday, October 2, 2009


short day working today. but it was still way too early!
i have been trying to fool around with my camera. the pics look good on the cam display, then i upload them, and they look odd...
time just just set it to auto again i think.
Morgan, my husband, hasnt made a huge presence in my blog. I just dodnt want to intrude on his privacy. but, it has been made clear that he doesnt mind. and feels a bit left out.
i assure him, and anyone reading he is NOT left out of my life, and he has a huge presence in my life, and he means the world to me. as much as my children do.
my life really does revolve around my family. and i have NO problems with that. i love my family so much, and without them i would be completely lost. they are the driving force in my life.
tomorrow i am volunteering for one hour at St V's (where Addys birth went horribly wrong) for the Nursing Mothers Counsel of Oregon, of which i am a peer phone counselor and volunteer.
I am looking forward to it honestly.
I havent done anything in the public for quite a while, other than grocery shopping, etc. so this will be nice, talking to the public about an important thing in my life.
i have been baking alot recently, cookies, banana almond coconut muffins, brownies. a bunch of deliciousness. it makes me happy to provide home baked treats made with wholesome ingredients like unprocessed whole wheat flour, and honey, and oats, and coconut oil, and bananas. the kids feel like they are getting away with something, and i know i am adding to their daily dose of nutritional YUMMINESS.

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