Saturday, September 26, 2009


5/365, tho it should be 7/365

it is Saturday. i am sick.
we went grocery shopping at Trader Joes and stocked up. it feels good to have a full kitchen.
asked Mo to take a few flattering pics of me, now that i am wearing a 1x in dresses.
i got ONE ok pic out of the bunch.
i guess i really asked for it, knowing that he is a tech guy, and not a photographer, and if i wanted good pics of myself I should have set up a tri-pod or asked a friend.
My husband thinks i am lovely no matter what, so he doesnt mind taking pics of me when i look like a douchebag. i however mind.
my girls are pushing my limits of patience, dumping out ALL the toy bins and scattering them all over the house. and jeez, cant a mom go to the bathroom in peace?!
i am feeling really negative right now.
guess i need to go for a walk and pick up my meds, it has been a week without my zoloft, and i am FEELING it.

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